Course Aim

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the main features and requirements of the Work at Height Regulations.
  • Give examples of common working at height tasks and understand the associated hazards and risks.
  • Identify the factors that contribute to persons and objects falling from height.
  • Describe the control measures that control and reduce the risk of falls from height.
  • Understand the proper use of access and work at height equipment and safe methods of access to reduce or eliminate the risk of falls.

Course Objectives


Course Summary

Module One: Introduction and Legislation
This module offers an introduction to work at height and explains employer and employee duties under the Work at Height Regulations 2005.


Module Two: Work at Height Risk Assessments
This module explains what a risk assessment is and how to carry one out, discussing each step in the risk assessment process in detail.


Module 3: Avoiding, Preventing and Minimising Risks
This module shows how you can reduce and control the risks in the work area, including the risks presented by vehicles and fragile surfaces. The module also explains what to do in regards to training and emergency procedures.

Module 4: Work at Height Equipment
This module looks at the safe usage of the most common pieces of work at height equipment that can be provided where necessary as identified by the risk assessment.


You’ll be in the classroom for 1/2 days, and on these days you will be in a small group with fellow blended coursemates. The day will be led by a specialist trainer.1 

Testing / Certification

On completion of the course learners receive a Focus Training centre Card and an Working at Height and Harness Training at Work Certificate valid for 3 years, and meets HSE requirements. 





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